Thursday, July 1, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
1928 Jewelry – Vintage Design And Modern Flair

1928 Jewelry effortlessly combines vintage design with modern flair to create some of the most beautiful jewelry available today. 1928 Jewelry has been dedicated to fulfilling every jewelry whim of fashion-savvy women for over 40 years. Whether a fashionista needs elegant wedding jewelry or something eye-catching for her night out on the town, she can find it at 1928 Jewelry.
Don’t let the name fool you; this leading jewelry company is not stuck in 1928. Ever evolving, 1928 Jewelry currently offers 4 distinct lines to suit every style. The 1928 Boutique caters to trendsetting fashionistas with its collection bursting with vintage retro flair. The 1928 Jewelry Antiquities Couture Collection celebrates the Renaissance, Victorian and Grecian era with jewelry made with gold and silver tones, pearls and semi-precious stones. Sold exclusively at Macy’s, the 2028 Collection is a more refined, fashion forward option. Lastly, 1928 Jewelry‘s Vatican Library Collection, which was created with special persmission, offers faith-oriented Vatican Library replica gifts and accessories. Many of the pieces from 1928 Jewelry will even take you from day into evening! This company is much more than a year; it’s an attitude.
I just added the stunning Moonlit Sky Beaded Bliss Necklace, $48.00, to my collection (pictured right). The sapphire beads and stones, hematite tone and filigree details make a gorgeous combination. As always, 1928 Jewelry‘s attention to detail is impeccable. I know just the little black dress I’ll wear it with. Oh! And the shoes, and the handbag!Â
Stop by 1928 Jewelry to start planning your outfits around your gorgeous jewelry! There are gifts and accessories to suit every style and budget! Enjoy!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I’m getting *MARRIED* to the most beautiful girl in the world

YAY!!! I finally got my act together and took the big step and proposed to Julie this past Saturday (18 July 2009). I’ve wanted to to it for a very long time, but for some reason I had never taken the last step and asked her (yeah I know, I’m chicken!!).
Then came a couple of months ago where it suddenly occured to me that I needed to secure Julie was mine before she realizes she is waaaay to good for me, so I started looking for a ring, and over the last month or so I, with the help of Sabrina, Julies friend, bought the ring (man those things are expensive!!!), asked Julies dad if he would allow me asking Julie to marry me, and organised how I wanted to propose to her. As I remember Julies dad’s response it was “yes you can, but there will be no trousseau
The planning of the proposal
So I originally decided I wanted to propose to Julie on our planned vacation this August to Malaga in Spain, where we are going with some friends. I had organised that I was to go for a game of golf and Julies friend would take her shopping. Julies friend was then supposed to take Julie to the habor where I would be standing at the end of the pier with a ring and get on my knee and ask her (cheesy I know, but I was fond of the idea).
That’s NOT the way it ended up happening. I simply couldn’t postpone it any longerthe day before yesterday and just the thought of having to wait another month before I could tell Julie that I want to spend the rest of my life with her was unbearable! So I eyed an opportunity when we woke up in Julies parents place Saturday and Julie asked me if it was ok that she went shopping with her mom for a few hours – just the time I needed!
trasure-mapI fired up the car (I actually don’t have a car, but had borrowed by parents’ car for the weekend) and hurried home to start the planning! I bought a nice (and already chilled) bottle of champagne and a large bouquet of flowers. Then came the planning part. I sat down and wrote and short letter to Julie where I told her how much I loved her and that she should go down to our basement where I would have a surprise for her. I placed the card and flowers so she couldn’t miss when she entered the apartment. I then went to the basement and placed champagne & glasses, a blanket and a bag to carry it in along with another small letter that told Julie that I loved her more than anything in the world and that she should drink this champagne with someone she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. I had also drawn a treasure map (the one on the left of here) that would lead her to me in the middle of a soccer field.
So while Julie was finding all this stuff I had prepared, I was hurrying out in the middle of the soccer field waiting for her. She had been shopping for dinner right before she got home and she hurried so much down to the basement when she read the card that she forgot to put the groceries in the fridge. When Julie found the stuff in the basement she didn’t suspect anything (proposal-wise) as she had the day before menitoned she would like a picnic which we ended up not doing, so she just thought I wanted to give her the picnic she missed the day before, nice right? (completely unintentional unfortunately, I hadn’t thought of it at all, but don’t tell her that ;) ).
The proposal

one_ring_to_rule_them_allNow because she didn’t suspect I was about to propose she also, when she arrived, started to unpack the blanket turning her head away from me (she seemed a little annoyed that I didn’t help with the blanket) while I was trying to get on my knees and propose. So while I was on my knees she was half-way sitting down not realizing what was going on until I told actually asked her.
Let me tell you that while I was 99.9999% sure Julie would say yes, when you are on your knees, hands shaking violently waiting for the girl of your dreams to stammer out a “YES, for the love of God, YES”, times moves very slowly. Julie was very surprised so she just looked at me for what seemed like forever (probably a couple of seconds in reality) until she told me “yes yes yes”,. Thankfully she seemed to like the ring I had picked a lot (the one on the left).
So the rain had stopped and we sat on the blanket and shared the bottle of champagne and cuddled and snuggled a bit – a very nice moment to share I have to say. Julie tried to call a bunch of family members, but to her huge frustration, no one picked up the phone :) But we went back to the apartment, made our nice dinner, shared a glass of wine while looking into each others eyes like two people who are about to get married (the wedding will be next year), and decided we wanted to go out and share this special moment with those of our friends who were free to come see us, which was surprisingly many (thanks to all of you, you rocked!!). So we gathered at a jazz bar (La Fontaine) and later at one of our friend’s apartment in the center of Copenhagen and had a fantastic evening/night.
The wedding will be next Summer and we’re looking forward to it (we can’t afford it of course, so I’m still hoping planning to win the lottery). And of course a year to think what we should be named (we want the same name, but can’t decide which that is :D ) and all the other practicalities.
Taking Care Of Your Ruby Ring

A ruby ring is one of the most beautiful pieces of jewelry, with rubies being regarded in the past as “the king of the gemstones”. In fact ruby rings, necklaces and crowns have always been popular within royalty the world over. The ruby is the birthstone for the month of July and a ruby ring makes a perfect gift for your significant other if they were born in this month. In the past, ruby rings were also very common as engagement rings (and even wedding rings), although the flavor of the last century or so has been the diamond engagement ring.
The ruby ring itself appears in many forms, from the precious large solitaire, to the square cut ruby eternity band which features small rubies all around the outer edge of the ring. Often the ruby or rubies will be accompanied by diamonds which adds to the beauty of this accessory.
It is only relatively recently that you can buy a ruby ring and be assured that the gemstone is, in fact, a ruby. For centuries – spanning back to Roman times – people have been passing off fakes as the genuine article. It was common to discover later that a royal crown, for example, was encrusted with beautiful, but nevertheless fake, rubies – usually garnets or spinels, which are both also red in color, but not valuable like ruby.

If you have a ruby ring and want to know how to care for it, and clean and polish it, your first port of call should be a jeweler, as you will need to know for certain that the gemstone is a real ruby. If the surface is covered in small scratches, there is a risk that it’s a fake. But before you think about throwing it away, remember that although ruby is a very hard mineral, it can get scratched by other rubies, and certainly by diamonds, which are pretty much the only things that can causes scratches on the surface. A good tip with any rings is to keep the case and store the rings separately, rather than throwing them all into a jewelry box when you’re not wearing them. This will prevent them rubbing up against each other and causing damage.
A clouded ruby, although possibly not as sparkly or attractive as a clear, transparent one, will almost always be genuine and, more importantly, natural – this makes it more valuable. There are many artificially produced rubies out there, and also a high number of chemically treated ones, which all aspire to attain a higher price. The one thing to be certain about is that if you ever encounter the “perfect” ruby, completely flawless in its structure, then you’ve got a fake!
Once you have established that your ruby ring is the genuine article, by getting it examined by an expert, then if there are lots of scratches on the surface, first, make sure you keep it separate from other diamond, sapphire or ruby jewelry. Second – the bad news – you will not be able to polish away the damage by yourself. It will be best to go to an expect – sometimes called a lapidary – to get the gemstone restored properly. This will involved removing a very thin layer of the surface to even it out again. It might be costly to get this done, and as always, the best advice is to prevent damage rather than find a cure after the damage is done!
My heart (Nick Jonas) 16

After Nick and I ,corretion mostly just me,but anyway after we finished eating, we all went to bed. Well atleast some of us did. Kevin had brought Amanda home and she said yes when he asked her to marry him. I mean yes I was happy for them but god!. Lets just be happy Frankie was in a deep sleep and hopefully doesnt wake up. They were being so loud that you could hear the bed creeking. Can you say ewwwwww? I mean to make the bed creek that loud GOD! Nick came into my room and said like a little kid, " I got scared I heard cweeking of a bed ,can I sweep wif you baby?" I laughed really loud. "Shhhh baby if we get caught mommy will kill me." He said agian like a little kid. "Nicky get your butt over here." I said smiling.
He smiled really big and ran over then jumped on top of me. I smiled. Nick grabbed my really fuzzy blanket and yanked it off me. Then ran around the room with it. I shivered mostly because Nick opened the window and its winter. "Nick close the window its freezing out." I said with chaterring teeth. Nick was crawling out the window into the tree that was right next to my window. "Nick its 11:00 at night, its pitch black outside ,and your gonna catch a cold." I hissed at him.
"The only way your getting me back in that room is if you come out here." Nick threw my blanket back in the window and started climbing the tree."Nick!" I yelled out the window looking up. He looked down sat on a tree limb and just smiled. "When I reach you your in big trouble mister!" I yelled agian. I went back into my room and got on some slippers then put on my robe and brought my extra one. Nick was in a short sleeve shirt and I dont want him to be sick. I took a picnic blanket and rolled it up then put it in a bag and started out the window. I wasnt afraid of hights but I was afraid of where Nick was climbing. It was in a tree house that we built over 2 years ago. Who knows when that thing is just gonna fall down. But there he was in it looking down at me smiling.
"Nick what happens if this thing falls?" I said finally reaching him. "Dont worry it wont." He said smiling at me I gave him the robe,good thing it was blue and put down the picnic blanket. Nick layed down on it while I stood over him looking down smiling. "What?" He asked. "I said when I reach you , you would be in trouble so Im thinking of what I can do to you." I said smirking. I got on top of him and we kissed.,ok made out. I pinned him down and by the time I let him pull away he was gasping for air. "Ok-ay n-ow we ar-e ev-e-n. Nick said trying to catch his breath.
I smirked. "Yep we are man it sounds way more peaceful out here then in there." I pointed down to the house. Nick smirked,"Yep,do you even know why I got you to come up here?" Nick asked/said. "No why did you make me climb up to a 2-year-old tree house at 11:00 at night?" I asked smiling. "Well look in the bottom cubby of our "cabnet" and you will see why." Nick smirked. "Okay......" I said I bent over right in front of Nick my butt just so happening to be near his face. Oh yeah big coinsidence. And guess what he just had to do,yep slap it. I stood up and turned around. Did you just tell me to do that so you could slap my butt?" I asked smiling a little. "Oh no but well I just had to slap it. Nick said still with that damn smirk.
I laughed a little and turned back around. I digged into the cubby some more. There were alot of cobwebs. But I found a little dark blue box. I pulled it out and went to sit next to Nick. He pulled me into his lap and touched my butt. Well more like held my butt but anyway. I opened the box and there was the most beautiful promise ring in the world.
"Nick it-its beautiful!" I smiled. I turned to him and kissed him. We started making out and we uh........did it agian. Yes we used protection agian. Ever since we first did it I have been on birth control pills. But anyway the promise ring was beautiful and I couldnt help it, sue me.
Peace Love and Jonas =)
Kooba Devin Tie Handbag

Here is a cool yellow messenger handbag style.When you’re traveling around the world and you care a lot about the way you look, everything has to be perfect.The Kooba Devin Tie Bag is a fun handbag for free days(weekends), and can go to work if you work in a creative field.I really love the bright yellow color and the tie detail is a fun way to give the bag a kick. Every little details of your outfit and your bag too should be chic for traveling.The Devin Tie Bag retails for $535
ROI and Social Media (Can newspapers learn from Coach?)

Here is the link to the session at Blogher 09 from Jory Des Jardins.
It raises the point that any industry can benefit from being a bit creative. Seeing their product through the eyes of someone else allowed Coach to engage users it might never have reached, get great feedback and secure a relationship with a ton of new customers. My hat is off to the management of Coach for being able to listen and take a risk with something new.
I’m wondering if a model like this would work for the newspaper industry? Could newspapers ask 18-35 year olds what they would do if they created a newspaper? What would it look like? How would they engage?
What would be the perceived value to that group?
Kooba Josie Clutch,Handbag Of The Day

Josie is a refreshing combination of pleated linen and shiny gold leather which translates into a perfect summer clutch. The flap, wrist strap, belt and the trim are made of leather and the rest of the bag is crafted out of linen. If you are not a linen fan, there is a version in pink leather. kooba-josie-clutch-3.jpgJosie has two sepparate compartments, both featured with a zip top closure which is something I didn’t actually notice untill now. This really had a positive effect on how much I like it.
Along with the zip top closures on both compartments, the clutch is featured with a double magnet flap closure for extra security.
Can buy this clutch at bluefly.com for $245
The Belief That Goes With the Gemstones
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Gold & Silver Plated Eternity Rings
Vintage Pink Wedding Day at The Inn at Whitewell
The wedding flautist entertained the congregation perfectly
Lyndsey's Mum did a beautiful reading from the lectern
Pew end posies always look so elegant 
St Michael's at Whitewell is a such a lovely Church a perfect backdrop for pedestal designs
There were lots of magnificent hats on display

Lyndsey's Mum did a beautiful reading from the lectern
The signing of the register

Huge and ginormous congratulations to Mr & Mrs Kitchen from all of the team here at Flower Design

Then off to the marquee at The Inn at Whitewell next door to St Michael's, we'd dressed the out door tables with the porch lanterns and fresh David Austin Roses

The Bay Trees and Ferns were placed on either side of the doors to the marquee
The Views are completely spectacular

The Pew end Posies were attached to the back of the dining chairs of the Top Table
We'd designed gorgeous vintage birdcages with lanterns inside and placed them in a garden of fresh Roses & Peonies

Some of the Birdcages had the flowers inside and alternate tables had high candelabras all with a vintage twist.

We'd used glorious Sweet Avalanche Roses alongside David Austin's finest English Garden Roses

The Cake Table was sprinkled with fragrant rose petals and two of the flower girl's posies of Sweet peas framed the exquisite cake.

Candelabra (left) and a view of the round top table, Jason placed the large Church pedestal just behind the Bride & Groom's seats and we'd used the pew end posies on the back of the chairs, the Birdcage design here was much larger than on the other tables and we'd surrounded it with our own vintage candelsticks, all in all completely gorgeous. 

The seating plan was decorated with a simple spray of fresh Roses and the Church Pedestals found new homes inside the marquee

This was a most perfect day filled with fragrance of fresh English Roses & Sweet Peas and I hope Lyndsey & Chris' lives will always be filled with a fragrance as sweet as this!

This really was a truly magical day with the most gorgeous bride & groom and their lovely families I always feel honoured to be involved in such special days albeit in a very small way, and today was no exception, many thanks for choosing Flower Design!
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